“But then again, that’s what the Book of Job was about to her, a cautionary tale about wanting there to be a God, wanting there to be someone who could enact what a God could enact, or who could sanction what the Devil would do. You want this, people? You want these kinds of powers? No, you don’t, and here’s why, and here’s why it’s sheer vanity to want them in any other entity. Look what sort of violence would rain down. Poor Job, sure, poor Job with his hives and his financial losses — though who needs three thousand camels? — and too bad about the kids, forgive me, they were delicious, so sweet and so cold, sure, too bad, but it’s God who’s the miserable bastard here. Look what he got himself up to! No good could come of that type of power; that’s what the writer of the Book of Job was saying, and she knew the writer was right.”

− Michelle Latiolais −
