“Ah, adventure! Ah, romance! Ah, courtly graces and the noble gestures! Don’t you wish you knew people like that? Don’t you wish we could still walk around in cloaks and boots and breeches, with leather doublets and flowing white dueling shirts and swords strapped around our waists? Of course, if we did, given the way things are today, there’d be people out there lobbying for sword control, and we’d need a National Sword Association and bumper stickers that would read “Swords don’t kill people, knights kill people,” and there would be a five-day waiting period and background check before you could buy a rapier. We’d have drive-by lungings and people would be afraid of children carrying broadswords to school. “Milady” would be regard as a sexist term and feminists would go absolutely berserk if any woman called a man “Milord.” Ralph Nader would probably get quarter horses banned because they are too small and unsafe in a collision and someone would figure out a way to put seat belts and air bags on our saddles. That’s why people join the SCA and read fantasy novels, because the real world sucks.”
− Simon Hawke −