“Like many biblical terms we see in scripture, the word “holy” and the call to be holy have often been co-opted by various tribes and adjusted to suit their particular agendas. In my experience, and perhaps this is true for you, too, the call to be holy has been a call to conform. Preachers…then prescribe for us all of the changes we need to make in our lives so that we’ll conform to the image and likeness of their particular brand of Christianity. “Holy living,” then, becomes a call to conform to the beliefs and practices of a particular group or tribe as evidence that we are truly walking with God.Although we are called to be imitators of Christ, and to conform to his image and likeness, we must remember that his image and likeness do not conform to any of the various paradigms we like to use to box God in. Holy living, then, becomes conformity with Christ, but radical nonconformity with all those Christian tribes or labels that try to neatly create a limited space where God supposedly lives and works.”
− Benjamin L. Corey −