“I was thinking not very long ago about the difference between the people we “grew up” with vs. the people we’re “growing old” with – not always being one and the same – and how time (and the memories we forge together) really does strengthen pretty much all of our relationships/friendships (whether they had started on the right foot or not). And I guess what I’ve mostly learned (by moving to NZ especially) is that the more Significant people you have in your life, the more ‘manageable’ the idea of loss, losing a loved-one, can become – not because you can replace them (obviously you can’t) or because they’re interchangeable (no one is), but because like a foundation to a house the more pillars you have (people you love) holding it up (loving you) the more solid/resilient you become – and from there, I find you’re better equipped to overcome whatever life throws your way. That said time does pass us by very quickly. I find it much more noticeable through our growing kids than ever before.”

− Kim Dallmeier −
