“The concept of “work-life balance” is a fleeting idea for a Bombshell. Instead, a focus on work-life success—where her time and energy shifts based on the rotating demands of each area of her life—is far more realistic.”

“A Bombshell wants it all, yet she is beginning to see shecan’t have it all at once.”

“A Bombshell’s constant struggle is living up to her God given potential while also battling in her mind the difference between her expectations and the world’s expectations.”

“If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.”

“Sorry, Sister. You’re not “normal.” You’re exceptional. You’re a Bombshell. If this was easy, everyone would be a successful business owner.”

“Business is fluid and you can always improve and progress as your time and financial resources allow, and as your learningcurve shortens.”

“Determine how you are going to measure your success.”

“Remember, you are not aspiring for perfection, Bombshell. You are aspiring for progress, one step at a time.”

“Be sure to ask for help, and vent or brag on your progress along the way.”

“Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.”

“Don’t be bothered with what you think other people expect of you when it comes to your raw talent.”

“You want to be able to say, for example, “I will know I am successful if these three things happen.”

“I’ve always said we can’t all experience everything, but we can all learn from each other’s experiences, making learning curves shorter and pitfalls avoidable.”

“By not stepping into your greatness, you are letting down everyone around you whom you can inspire, touch, or influence.”

“I always say that my success has been three parts support and encouragement from my amazing network and one part piss and vinegar.”