“You would suffer for many things in life and misplaced priority is one of them.”

“If God want to really help anyone, He will cause him or her to know and understand what vanity is early in life.”

“Don’t argue with a fool, future will teach him some lessons”

“Your greatest regrets in life will not come from your past failures; they would come from remembering the amount of time you spent in pursuing vain things.”

“If God would help any man, He will make him know and understand what vanity is early in life.”

“New year, new blessing, new grace and new opportunities, never allow the failures of the past to rub you of the blessings in the new year.”

“To succeed in the new year, you have to set your priority right, pursue your goals with zeal and do away with procrastination.”

“It is good to have your own vision, but it is dangerous not to run with it.”

“If where we are now and whatever we are going through does not motivate us to leave this world better than the way we met it, we are in this world for wrong reasons.”

“Deep within us are special feelings for special people which goes beyond what mouth can explain, they are feelings of hope, joy, peace and love. No wonder the world cannot function well if any of these things is missing. I may not say it with my mouth, but I know that deep within me resides special feelings for a special person like you everyday of my life. On this occasion of valentine’s day, I want you to know that these are my feelings towards you and nothing can erase them from my heart. This is just a way of saying happy valentine to you, you are loved, cherished and treasured always. Happy Valentine’s day!”

“Women are special people, they gave birth to us and never stopped there until they see us becoming better people in the society.”

“Harvest is real, but be wise to sow what you will love to reap in the new year, because your day of harvest is fast approaching.”

“Only foolish men beat their wives, wise men love them and care for them irrespective of their flaws and mistakes.”

“God did not create man to live in sorrow because of his past mistakes, He created him to recreate the future he want for himself, his spouse, his children and his children’s children.”

“You are not for any reason less than whom God created you to be, don’t live like a dwarf where you are seen as a giant.”