“Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it.”

“… The power which the common people ascribe to God is not only a human power (which shows that they look upon God as a man, or as being like a man), but that it also involves weakness.”

“In practical life we are compelled to follow what is most probable ; in speculative thought we are compelled to follow truth.”

“Of all the things that are beyond my power, I value nothing more highly than to be allowed the honor of entering into bonds of friendship with people who sincerely love truth. For, of things beyond our power, I believe there is nothing in the world which we can love with tranquility except such men.”

“I should attempt to treat human vice and folly geometrically… the passions of hatred, anger, envy, and so on, considered in themselves, follow from the necessity and efficacy of nature… I shall, therefore, treat the nature and strength of the emotion in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes, and solids.”

“The good which every man, who follows after virtue, desires for himself he will also desire for other men…”

“Minds, however, are conquered not by arms, but by love and nobility.”