“Sometimes crisis triggers the genius within”

“If you are truly concerned about helping people and creating value for them in your business and life. God will take care of you, and the universe will reward you.”

“I may appear to be a broken pencil now but one day you will need me to dot you ‘i’ and cross your ‘t’.”

“Masters today were starters yesterday, so begin now.”

“God’s promises for your life may not happen in your timeline but it will surely happen in your lifetime.”

“May you thrive where others tumble.”

“The secret code of success is patience,a virtue that can not be replaced. It takes time to build great dreams.”

“Don’t let go of fields you’ve fought for, keep fighting”

“If you can’t be advised you can’t advance”

“Don’t let anyone make you believe that without their support you can’t make it, hey, look up, help is coming from unexpected places. Cheer up!”

“Don’t race through life; pace every moment with purpose, pause regularly to lace the love of family & friends, and leave a mark that generations after you can trace to the top.”

“I’m not in pursuit of happiness, I’m happiness in pursuit; ready to happen everywhere I go.”