“Does he lay with you in the grass? Does he stare up at the stars, speaking of his dreams, wishing he could roll over and kiss you and run his fingers along the breasts that tease him beneath the shirt–the shirt he knows he will carry home with him and smell and, God help him, sleep in, just so that he could be close to you?”

“He towered over her, dwarfing her with his height and the bulk of his body which was clothed in the way of a mortal gentleman. He felt and heard that voice tremble inside her, replaced the rational voice she allowed to go unchecked. ‘He could break me, hurt me, dominate me’.”Not break. Not hurt.” he murmured as he raised a hand to her cheek and smoothed his fingers down its softness, “But dominate you? Yes. Master you? yes. Make you yield to what you want, make you surrender to who you truly are? Yes.”

“His hands may have been the one to heal you, but it will be mine that awaken you.”

“She was breathtaking in her beauty and her human spirit, he thought, unable to speak as he gazed upon her. Hers was the sort that would not fade or grow jaded with time and years, but flourish, grow more radiant with life and its experience. Hers was a beauty that no other possessed. A beauty he longed to keep, to hide away, to bask in, himself alone. She had become his. He didn’t know when, whether it had been the moment her fingertips had touched him when he was hurt, or if it had grown, like a seed, slowing spreading until Jane had become the root anchoring the shattered pieces of his heart, pulling them tight together until it resembled the organ it should.”

“I vow I am, and always will be, constant and faithful in my love for you, Anais. Nothing you or anyone else does shall alter these feelings. I am forever loving, forever waiting, forever yearning…forever yours.”

“It hurts to breathe. It hurts to live. I hate her, yet I do not think I can exist without her.”