“Mentre che la speranza ha fior del verde”

“Those ancients who in poetry presented the golden age, who sang its happy state,perhaps, in their Parnassus, dreamt this place. Here, mankind’s root was innocent; and herewere every fruit and never-ending spring; these streams–the nectar of which poets sing.”

“Do not be afraid; our fateCannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”

“There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery”

“Love, that moves the sun and the other stars”

“Amor, ch’al cor gentile ratto s’apprendeprese costui de la bella personache mi fu tolta; e ‘l modo ancor m’offende.Amor, che a nullo amato amar perdona,Mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,Che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona…””Love, which quickly arrests the gentle heart,Seized him with my beautiful formThat was taken from me, in a manner which still grieves me.Love, which pardons no beloved from loving,took me so strongly with delight in himThat, as you see, it still abandons me not…”

“L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle.”