“Sometimes waiting is the hardest thing.”

“Money and beauty are defenses against the sorrows of this world but neither can undo the past. Only time will conquer time. The way forward is the only way back to innocence and to peace.”

“the divine has taken a few steps back from humankind, perhaps in revulsion, perhaps because we don’t deserve to look directly upon holy beings anymore…. When the divine enters the world these days from outside of time, it manifests discreetly through children and animals.”

“How obvious can it be? … The purpose of makeup is to defy the degradations of time, and time is just a synonym for death.”

“Being alone can be good. It’s easy to find peace alone. But sometimes, being alone is a king of death.”

“That is, Jack thought, the way of life. The horror changes us, because we can never forget. Cursed with memory. It starts when we’re old enough to know what death is and realize that sooner or later we’ll lose everyone we love. We’re never the same. But somehow we’re all right. We go on.”

“What could be worse than losing part of your life?Losing the capacity for passion and hope, being left alive but with no emotions other than bitterness and despair.”

“The dead are merely the countrymen of my future.”

“A man begins dying at the moment of his birth. Most People live in denial of Death’s patient courtship until, late in life and deep in sickness, they become aware of him sitting bedside.”

“Hope wasn’t a cottage industry; it was neither a product that she could manufacture like needlepoint samplers nor a substance she could secrete, in her cautious solitude, like a maple tree producing the essence of syrup. Hope was to be found in other people, by reaching out, by taking risks, by opening her fortress heart.”

“For a long time things were so bad. Very bad. Dark even when there was light.The only thing that kept the dark back was the Forever Shiny Thing that was her secret…It is a word…the word hangs on a silver chain. The word is HOPE.”

“When you have dogs, you witness their uncomplaining acceptance of suffering, their bright desire to make the most of life in spite of the limitations of age and disease, their calm awareness of the approaching end when their final hours come. They accept death with a grace that I hope I will one day be brave enough to muster.”

“What will happen will happen. There is time for miracles until there is no more time, but time has no end.”

“Imagine that you are more than nothing. Evil made you, but you are no more evil than a child unborn. If you want, if you seek, if you hope, who is to say that your hope might not be answered?”

“Home was not a perfect place. But it was the only home they had and they could hope to make it better.”