“You want to have a great time?Try with the 1000 Ways To Die To watch, you are going to get prepared for all occasions.”

“I am not a time waster… I don’t have any time to lose.”

“We all get the same amount of time.”

“SLeeping is a time lost, staying with your parents it’s the great time of depression.”

“Think twice and cut once.”- Lie……So..Cut 1000 ways and think zero times.”

“School the sum of 12 years of productivity which have went in state of getting lost.”

“The religion … aka 10 commandments are outdated… come on… for modern times we don’t need such type of rules.”

“Talking is something which just puts out your persona and tests all your knowledge.”

“When you have plenty of knowledge that’s the moment when you get vulgar, irnoc and hypocritical.”

“Knowledge is the most stressfull aspect about life.”

“All great thinkers…. can be wipeout by constant trauma. (It’s a fun event… every person who thinks is free to say what he desires… can come and join…)”