“I don’t write about you because you don’t deserve to be immortalised in my words.I’ll leave you to float around in my mind until forgetfulness comes to take you away.”

“You said we can’t happen, but darling, we started happening the very first day we met.”

“I don’t want to heal you. I want to love you until your scars merge with the love bites on your skin.”

“I have a desperate desire to put a ring on your finger. For there’s nothing sexier than kissing a glistering hand in the sun.”

“Let me be the drink in your cup. I know how to intoxicate you.”

“We left dents on each other. Mine was in her heart, and hers was on my car.”

“We are all a little broken, looking for something whole to hang on to. But sometimes, what seems whole is even more broken than we are.”

“I’ll gladly settle for amnesia if I had to live in a world where I couldn’t remember how much you mean to me.”

“I touched curiosity,I kissed sin, I felt regret,And I was forgiven.But life won’t let me forget.”

“I’ll stop loving you the day my shadow stops following me around. Because on that day, nothing will make sense.”

“I am a master wordsmith. I have the ability to bend words at will and invoke feelings with the stroke of my pen. But I’m yet to master the art of finding the right words to describe what happens in my heart when I see you.”

“No baby, you didn’t hurt me. You wrecked me. Know the difference.”

“Oh, we were so wrong for each other, but the things we did to each other felt so right.”

“We danced on broken glasses,painting a bloody masterpiece on the floor.The painful it got, the harder we danced. We didn’t care about scars because it was us, dancing on broken glasses – with each other.”