“I said, you’re the beat of my heart, the breath in my body, the light in my soul.”

“What a woman you are,” he murmured, and she heard the emotion in it, theway the Irish thickened just a bit in his voice. And saw it in those vivid eyes when he drew back. “That you would think of this. That you would do this.”He shook his head, kissed her. Like the breath, long and quiet.“I can’t thank you enough. There isn’t enough thanks. I can’t say what this means to me, even to you. I don’t have the words for it.” He took her hands,brought them both to his lips. “A ghra. You stagger me.”He framed her face now, touched his lips to her brow. “You’re the beat of my heart, the breath in my body, the light in my soul.”

“You can’t go back. Can’t fix what broke. But you can go forward. And every step matters. Every one makes a difference.” She pushed away from the desk, cupped his face in her hands. “From where I’m standing, you’re the best step I ever took.”

“Roarke: You’d enjoy flying more if you’d learn the controls.Eve: I’d rather pretend I’m on the ground.Roarke: And how many vehicles have you wrecked, had blown up, or destroyed in the last, oh, two years?Eve: Think about that, then imagine it happening when I’m at the wheel at thirty thousand feet.Roarke: Good point. I’ll do the flying.”

“You know, lieutenant, you wear your weapon the way other women wear pearls.””It’s not a fashion accessory.”

“Roarke: The bodies of the three men were found floating in the Chattahoochee River.Eve: I think it’d be embarrassing to be dead in the Hoochie-Coochie River.Roarke: ChattahoocheeEve: What’s the difference?Roarke: Quite a bit, I’d think.”

“We’re standing here, beat to shit, walking away from a crime scene where either or both of us could have bought it, and you’re asking me to marry you?””Perfect timing.”

“Eve: What is it about asking you Catholic questions that gets you all jumpy?Roarke: You’d be jumpy, too, if I asked you things that make you feel the hot breath of hell at your back.Eve: You’re not going to hell.Roarke: Oh, and have you got some inside intel on that?Eve: You married a cop…you married me. I’m your goddamn salvation.”

“No. No, I don’t believe you’d betray me with her. I don’t believe you’d cheat on me. But I’m afraid, and I’m sick in my heart that you might look at her, then at me. And regret.”

“In my hands is power. The power to hear or to destroy. To grant life or to cause death. I revere this gift, have honed it over time an art as magnificent and awesome as any painting in the Louvre. I an art, I am science. In all ways that matter, I am God.God must be ruthless and far-sighted. God studies his creations and selects. The best of these creations must be cherished, protected, sustained. Greatness rewards perfection.Yet even the flawed have purpose. A wise God experiment, considers, uses what comes into his hands and forges wonders. Yes, often without mercy, often with a violence the ordinary condemn. We who hold power cannot be detracted by the condemnations of the ordinary, by the petty and pitiful laws of simple man. They are blind, their minds are closed with fear-fear of pain, fear of death. They are too limited to comprehend that death can be conquered. I have nearly done so. If my work was discovered, they, with their foolish laws and attitudes, would damn me.When my work is complete, they will worship me.”

“God is dead and I am his replacement.”

“I hate patience. Slows everything down.”

“Do little pink fairies sing and dance in your world, Peabody?””Sometimes, when it’s very quiet and no one else can see.”

“You’ve got no sense of humor.””I’m going to laugh really hard after I kick your ass.”

“Do you remember the first time we made love?” He touched his lips to hers as he said it. “We rode up in the elevator like this and couldn’t keep our hands off each other, couldn’t get to each other quick enough. I was mad for you. I wanted you more than I wanted to keep breathing. I still do.” He deepened the kiss as the elevator doors opened. “It’s never going to change.”