“With time to think, the full reality of what had happened hit Thomas like a falling boulder. Ever since Thomas had entered the Maze, Newt had been there for him. Thomas hadn’t realized just how much of a friend he’d become until now. His heart hurt.He tried to remind himself that Newt wasn’t dead. But in some ways this was worse. In most ways. He’d fallen down the slope of insanity, and he was surrounded by bloodthirsty Cranks. And the prospect of never seeing him again was almost unbearable. […]He pulled the envelope out of his pocket and ripped it open, then took out the slip of paper. The soft lights that ringed the mirror lit up the message in a warm glow. It was two short sentences:Kill me. If you’ve ever been my friend, kill me.Thomas read it over and over, wishing the words would change. To think that his friend had been so scared that he’d had the foresight to write those words made him sick to his stomach. And he remembered how angry Newt had been at Thomas specifically when they’d found him in the bowling alley. He’d just wanted to avoid the inevitable fate of becoming a Crank.And Thomas had failed him. […]“Newt suddenly twisted around and grabbed Thomas by the hand holding the gun. He yanked it toward himself, forcing it up until the end of the pistol was pressed against his own forehead. “Now make amends! Kill me before I become one of those cannibal monsters! Kill me! I trusted you with the note! No one else. Now do it!”Thomas tried to pull his hand away, but Newt was too strong. “I can’t, Newt, I can’t.”“Make amends! Repent for what you did!” The words tore out of him, his whole body trembling. Then his voice dropped to an urgent, harsh whisper. “Kill me, you shuck coward. Prove you can do the right thing. Put me out of my misery.”The words horrified Thomas. “Newt, maybe we can—”“Shut up! Just shut up! I trusted you! Now do it!”“I can’t.”“Do it!”“I can’t!” How could Newt ask him to do something like this? How could he possibly kill one of his best friends?“Kill me or I’ll kill you. Kill me! Do it!”“Newt …”“Do it before I become one of them!”“I …”“KILL ME!” And then Newt’s eyes cleared, as if he’d gained one last trembling gasp of sanity, and his voice softened. “Please, Tommy. Please.”With his heart falling into a black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.”

“You da boss”

“Thomas: Is it [my brain] fixed?Brenda: It worked, judging from the fact that you’re not trying to kill us anymore…”

“Rose took my nose, I suppose,” he repeated; the bubble of phlegm in his throat made a disgusting crackle. “And it really blows.”

“Shuck it,” Minho responded. “I’m tougher than nails. I could still kick your pony-lovin’ butt with twice this pain.” Thomas shrugged. “I do love ponies. Wish I could eat one right now.”

“I didn’t do anyting wrong. All I know is I saw two people struggling to get inside these walls and they [Minho and Alby] couldn’t make it. To ignore that because of some stupid rule seemed selfish, cowardly, and… well, stupid. If you want to throw me in jail for trying to save someone’s [Alby] life, then go ahead. Next time I promise I’ll point at them and laugh, then go eat some of Frypan’s dinner. -Thomas”

“I was just kidding, shuck-face,” Minho said. “Let’s all go over there. She could have an army of psycho girl ninjas hiding in that shack of hers.””Psycho girl ninjas?” Newt repeated, his voice showing he was surprised, if not annoyed, by Minho’s additude.”

“He whipped out his sheet, then pulled it over himself and wrapped it tightly around his face like an old woman in a shawl. ‘How do I look?”Like the ugliest shanky girl I’ve ever seen,’ Minho responded. ‘You better thank the gods above you were born a dude.’ ‘Thanks.”

“What’s going on?” Newt asked, looking back and forth between Thomas and Aris. “Why’re you guys looking at each other like you just fell in love?”

“Awww,” Minho said. “That’s almost as sweet as that time she slammed the end of a spear into your shuck face.”

“Shouldn’t someone give a pep talk or something?” Minho asked, pulling Thomas’s attention away from Alby.”Go ahead,” Newt replied.Minho nodded and faced the crowd. “Be careful,” he said dryly. “Don’t die.”

“You are the shuckiest shuck faced shuck in the world!”

“What was the point of even having a conversation when words couldn’t be trusted?”