“I suppose I’ll say it all started with a love letter”

“Susannah continued. “If and when I go off slow dancing in the ever after, I don’t want to look like I’ve been stuck in a hospital room my whole life. I at least want to be tan.”

“Kitty’s always saying how origin stories are important.At college, when people ask us how we met, how will we answer them? The short story is, we grew up together. But that’s more Josh’s and my story. High school sweet-hearts? That’s Peter and Gen’s story. So what’s ours, then?I suppose I’ll say it all started with a love letter.”

“It will get easier each time, I think. I hope. I just have to keep trying.”

“Never say no when you really want to say yes.”

“Do you think there’s a difference? Between belonging with and belonging to?”

“When boy likes you, you say no thank you. You don’t kick him on the ground.”

“The most believable lies are the ones that are atleast a little bit true.”

“It’s hard to throw away history. It was like you were throwing away a part of yourself.”

“There hadn’t been one specific moment. It was like gradualy waking up. You go from being asleep to the space between dreaming and awake and then into consciousness. It’s a slow process, but when you’re awake, there’s no mistaking it. There was no mistaking that it had been love.”

“I love Jere more than anybody. He’s my brother, my family. I hate myself for doing this. But when I see you two together, I hate him too.” His voice broke.“Don’t marry him. Don’t be with him. Be with me.”

“Don’t marry him. Don’t be with him. Be with me.”

“I delete the picture of him from my phone; I delete his number. I think that if I just delete him enough, it will be like none of it ever happened and my heart won’t hurt so badly”

“Smirking, he says, “Whatever spell you just tried to cast on me, it didn’t work, so I think you need to go back to Hogwarts.”

“Sometimes it’s like people are a million times more beautiful to you in your mind. It’s like you see them through a special lens — but maybe if it’s how you see them,that’s how they really are. It’s like the whole tree falling in the forest thing.”