“You don’t have much faith in people, do you?” said David.“I don’t have much faith in anything,” Roland replied. “Not even in myself.”

“One has to hope, you know?’‘Yes,’ said Parker. ‘I know.”

“I believe in those whom I love and trust. All else is foolishness. This god is as empty as his church. His followers choose to attribute all of their good fortune to him, but when he ignores their pleas or leaves them to suffer, they say only that he ignores their pleas or leaves them to suffer, they say only that he is beyond their understanding and abandon themselves to his will. What kind of god is that?”

“When did you get so clever?””When I realized I wasn’t as clever as I thought.”

“There’s a difference between living and just surviving. Do something you love, and find someone to love who loves that you love what you do.It is really that simple.And that hard.”

“What do you believe in?” asked David.“I believe in those whom I love and trust. All else is foolishness. This god isas empty as his church. His followers choose to attribute all of their goodfortune to him, but when he ignores their pleas or leaves them to suffer, theysay only that he is beyond their understanding and abandon themselves to hiswill. What kind of god is that?”

“What do you believe in?’ asked David.‘I believe in those whom I love and trust. All else is foolishness. This god is as empty as his church. His followers choose to attribute all of their good fortune to him, but when he ignores their pleas or leaves them to suffer, they say only that he is beyond their understanding and abandon themselves to his will. What kind of god is that?”

“I think the act of reading imbues the reader with a sensitivity toward the outside world that people who don’t read can sometimes lack. I know it seems like a contradiction in terms; after all reading is such a solitary, internalizing act that it appears to represent a disengagement from day-to-day life. But reading, and particularly the reading of fiction, encourages us to view the world in new and challenging ways…It allows us to inhabit the consciousness of another which is a precursor to empathy, and empathy is, for me, one of the marks of a decent human being.”