“TimeYou were the oneI wanted mostto stay.But time could notbe kept at bay.The more it goes,the more it’s gone—the more it takes away.”

If you came to me with a face I have not seen, with a voice I have never heard, I would still know you. Even if centuries separated us, I would still feel you. Somewhere between the sand and the stardust, through every collapse and creation, there is a pulse that echoes of you and I.
When we leave this world, we give up all our possessions and our memories. Love is the only thing we take with us. It is all we carry from one life to the next.”

“Xs and OsLove is a gameof tic-tac-toe,constantly waiting,for the next x or o.”

“People who are prone to sadness are more likely to pick up a pen.”

“She lends her pen,to thoughts of him,that flow from it,in her solitary.For she is his poet,And he is her poetry.”

“Hands are no longer hands. They are caresses. Mouths are no longer mouths. They are kisses. My name is no longer a name, it is a call. And love is no longer love — love is you.”

“I don’t think all writers are sad, she said.I think it’s the other way around—all sad people write.”

“Saving YouThe darkness takes him over, the sickness pulls him in; his eyes—a blown out candle, I wish to go with him.Sometimes I see a flicker— a light that shone from them; I hold him to me tightly, before he’s gone again.”

“That’s the thing about happiness. It doesn’t require justification.”

“I drew him in my world;I write him in my lines,I want to be his girl,he was never meant as mine.I drew him in my world;He is always on my mind;I draw his every line.It hurts when he’s unkind.I drew him in my world;I draw him all the time,but I don’t know where to draw the line.”

“A StrangerThere is a love I reminisce,Like a seedI’ve never sown.Or lips that im yet to kiss,and eyesnot met my own.Hands that wrap around my wrists,and armsthat feel like home.I wonder how it is I miss,these thingsI’ve never known.”

“Like time suspended, a wound unmended– you and I. We had no ending, no said goodbye; For all my life, I’ll wonder why.”

“What was it like to lose him?” Asked Sorrow. There was a long pause before I responded:It was like hearing every goodbye ever said tome—said all at once.”

“Before I fellin love with words,with setting skies and singing birds—it was you I fellin love with first.”

“You were you,and I was I;we were twobefore our time.I was yoursbefore I knew,and you have always been mine too.”