“. . . chasing after words like trying to grab the tails of comets.”

“But as he listened to the moans and cries of those around him, he understood that hope was not a concept of faith meant to bring man closer to God but one of denial and delusion meant to keep him from accepting that God did not exist.”

“Who but the mad would choose to keep on living? In the end, aren’t we all just a little crazy?”

“Pippa’s laugh is bitter, tinged with tears. ‘Ha! Why do girls think being beautiful will solve every problem? Being beautiful just creates problems. It’s a misery. I wish I were someone else.”

“But the past cannot be changed, and we carry our choices with us, forward, into the unknown. We can only move on.”

“Might. Is there any opiate more powerful than that word?”

“Reminds us that greatness lies even in the smallest of moments, in the humblest of hearts, and we shall, each of us, be called to greatness. Whether we shall rise to meet it or let it slip away is the challenge put before us all.”

“Peace is not happenstance. It is a living fire that must be fed constantly. It must be tended with vigilance, else it dies out.”

“There is an ancient tribal proverb I once heard in India. It says that before we can see properly we must first shed our tears to clear the way.”

“They have money and position and Ann has none.It’s amazing how often you can be right as long as you have those two things working in your favor.”

“One could argue that it’s romantic to die for love. Of course, then you’re dead and unable to take that honeymoon trip to the Alps with all the other fashionable young couples, which is a shame.”

“God doesn’t like lesbians,” Grandma Huberman hised, throwing the magazine in the trash.Jennifer knew what lesbian meant, and she knew she probably was one. But she couldn’t understand why God would hold that against her or against Monica Mathers, who’d never started a war or killed anybody, and whose deadeye three-pointers were straight-up amazing. After all, hadn’t God made both of them? But people were like that, she’d noticed. They’d invoke Godly privilege at the weirdest of times and for the most stupid reasons.”

“Did God ever cry over his lost angel, I wonder?”

“I love you for who you are, not who the world thinks you should be.”

“I run after her, not really giving chase. I’m running because I can, because I must.Because I want to see how far I can go before I have to stop.”