“As mathematicians, proportionality principle state that; if 2=4, 3=6, 4=8 and 5=10, so from above sequence, someone can easily guess the value of 6 which is 12.Therefore, in Leadership, if someone can lead 10 people successfully, and sometimes, he leads 50 people and 100 people successfully, so we do all agree that he can also manage 100, 1000, 1000000 people respectively and more. Therefore, it is in that view that, whenever, everyone is given a chance, he can show up his potential by doing something that were not expected from him. @berbason, 21st April, 2017”

“Why do people die and feel unbreathing? This is because of having no hope in their lives just having no hope of living, no hope of getting what to eat, no hope of having best friends and so on. So if you ignore all those negative thoughts and you keep on doing positively what you are supposed to do, you will find yourself living many years with no reasons.”