“Ends Meet1Could betime is practice,balance,the actionexecuted in the mindbefore and after.Where does mind end?2We mark a breakwith what has come before,come through the door,down the hatch.Not a clean breakexactly.3Our life was rehearsal,Mother almost saidso that we believedwe would escort herto the futurewhere she could be happy.”

“SimpleComplex systems can arisefrom simple rules.It’s notthat we want to survive,it’s that we’ve been druggedand made to actas if we dowhile all the whilethe sea breaksand rolls, painlessly, under.If we’re not copying it,we’re lonely.Is this the knowledgethat demands to bepassed down?Time is made from swatchesof heaven and hell.If we’re not killing it,we’re hungry.”

“A sense of mission lostin ink’sjagged outcrops.I was trying to tell myselfwhat I must have knownbeforein a formI wouldn’t recognize at first.”