“Shoot for the stars, land on the moon? Don’t worry. You break the atmosphere either way.”

“Being a real man is less about appearing strong and more about having the courage to influence a change in everyone around you.”

“Some say only the most trustworthy & loving go through trials we don’t understand. I say that it’s only them who didn’t let it change who they were.”

“Do not seek to be known as honorable or courageous. Simply as true. It is then you will surely be known as them both.”

“When with meaning we walk – we go not where comfort resides, but where truth and love show in abundance.”

“For it is in selfishness & greed most choose to walk. In hate we choose to be. Yes even the words of love fall from false lips in these times, spreading a deceitful lie about truth itself. We’d rather be consumed by our flesh than to be a giver of life. Shackled by our world in Lou of freeing it. Destroying our meaning – instead of embracing it.”

“How we give matters. If your thoughts & goals are selfish, than so be your fief. For it is through the heart that we prosper & through each other that we grow.”

“Don’t trust a man who claims one a liar or a cheat, they will surely define those words of themselves.”

“We prove ourselves by the way we live, and the way we live resonates among all we know and do.”

“People will say anything to get you to hurt the honest one. Listen to your heart, you will hear something real.”

“Innocence bears no weight to the cruel at heart, for their goals seek nothing more than selfishness and greed”