“A sudden thought shocked him to the bone. I could leave Carthak when I’m a master. I’d never have to think about the games again.”

“Sometimes there’s nothing you can do. […] Sometimes they don’t have enough to fight with.”

“Curse him for being all tight muscle, with ivory skin and a mouth as soft as rose petals. Curse him for having hair as fair as the sun, and eyes as black as night. Curse him for having the grace of a cat and deft, cool hands. And now I am having the same argument on paper that I have in my own head on too many nights. I know my choice is sensible, but it isn’t my common sense I think with, those times Rosto’s stolen a kiss from me.”

“That night, the Raka conspirators had plenty of news to report, particularly Ochobu. Aly had not known that the mages of the Chain had been laboring to eliminate any mages who had worked magic on the Crown’s behalf. So far they had killed seven of the most powerful.Chelaol would call this count of the dead another ‘good start,’ Aly thought grimly. This crude business of counting up lives taken struck her as a bad idea. It took the horror from death. When Ochobu named four mages on Lombyn who had had been killed in the streets of their towns, it had been about numbers, not lives. Maybe this is how you become a Rittevon, she thought. You get used to the dead being described as numbers, not fathers or daughters or grandparents.She turned to Dove when Ochobu finished, ‘don’t ever be like this,’ she urged. ‘don’t think that it doesn’t matter if you only hear of murder as a number. If you keep it at a distance.”

“It was plain that Nazaam and Gieyat were lovers. I’d like that, Arram thought as he followed Nazaam. To be comfortable with my lover, and laugh together, even when things are terrible. Like I do with Ozorne and Varice.”

“Alanna didn’t approve of lying, but in a pinch a lie was sometimes better than the truth.”

“Excuse me,” she said politely. “But you can’t have him. Not yet. He’s going to come back with me.”

“No more is your master a god, Nobility, but he wants offerings from all. When Black God claims us, who will be punished for giving worship and power to a false god? The prince? Or Banjiku?”

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my lord. You are an evil man.”

“WE do try to eat,” Raoul called back to her [Kel]. I go all faint if I don’t get fed regularly. Only think of the disgrace to the King’s Own if I fell from the saddle.””But there was that time in Fanwood,” a voice behind them said.”That wedding in Tameran,” added the blonde Sergeant Osbern, riding a horse-length behind Kel.”Don’t forget when what’s-his-name, with the army, retired,” yelled a third.”Silence, insubordinate curs!” cried Raoul. “Do not sully my new squire’s ears with your profane tales!””Even if they’re TRUE?” That was Dom. It seemed Neal wasn’t the only family member versed in irony.”

“Do you know, sire, I think that if we live to tell our grandchildren about this war, they will accuse us of making it up.’ -Marielle”

“Yes Headwoman Azaze. But I never lie to Rosethorn. She, um, discourages it.””Evvy and I have an understanding.” She grabbed the teakettle and poured hot water into the mug. “She tells me the truth, and I don’t hang her in the first well we come to. It’s a solution that works tolerably well for both of us.”

“You didn’t kill him. He would have killed you, but you didn’t kill him.””So? He was stupid. If I killed everyone who was stupid, I wouldn’t have time to sleep.”

“Someday I must read this scholar Everyone. He seems to have written so much–all of it wrong.”

“Every now and then I like to do as I’m told, just to confuse people.”