“Jerry Falwell said that the reason that September 11th happened, the reason that God allowed it to happen, was because of certain people in our country. People like, and I’m quoting, ‘the pagans,’ which is a motorcycle group. Feminists; he brought up feminists. […] And I couldn’t believe it, he said that God had actually talked to him and said, these were the people. That was the reason. It was those people, and that was the reason God allowed this to happen. And I thought, ‘That’s odd.’ Because God had called me twelve hours before, and He said the reason He was upset was because of people like Jerry Falwell.”

“When love dies, the heart’s ashes do not leave on the wind—they rest on the mantelpiece of the soul, darkening the sunrise we once saw to be beautiful.”

“I believe in rendering to science the things that belong to science. I have no problem with evolution or discussions of the age of the Earth, for I don’t believe that we come anywhere near comprehending the mind of God or the workings of the universe. Science can explain a lot, but it cannot give us faith, and I think we need both.”

“In the beginning..when ray and day hadn’t yet come into existence at all, there was a kind of radiance that illuminates universe. That radiance is the light of knowledge and goodness. That radiance will persistently and consistently shines brightly even after all the stars and moons in this vast universe died out.”

“Time itself made all things rare.”

“Focus on the win and you lose the battle, focus on the battle and you win.”

“{Summertime she speaks of winter, she eats ham, but speaks of beef, got a good man but, flirts with another. She might as well go to hell, cause she ain’t gonna be happy in heaven either!}”

“Live the moment. Cherish the present. Anticipate the future. Frame the yesteryear”

“These are what flowers look like when they stare up in awe at the night sky.”

“To delight in God is to desire Jesus Christ.”

“When there is a tendency to compartmentalize the spiritual and make it resident in a certain type of life only, the spiritual is apt gradually to be lost.”

“King Solomon’s life reminds meof wisdom, wealth, women, woes.”

“There are always two risks. There’s the risk of not trying something new, and there’s the risk of not trying it. . . . Either way, there’s risk. And sometimes stepping out and trying something new is actually the less risky thing to do.”

“Our defeats teach us much more than our victories ever would!” Avijeet Das_________________________________________#chasedreams #nevergiTo succeed we need committment, discipline, dedication, and determination. And if you can amalgamate all of the above qualities with your passion and energy then no one can stop you from achieving the uncommon!”

“Don’t plan just desire,you’ll get it.”