“There are countless people who attend church, call Jesus their savior, and declare they are children of God but have not given their lives to his Lordship. are they truly saved? Is it possible to birth converts in our christian circles who aren’t children of God? Jesus stated to the children of his day, “you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are.” Matt 23:15. I’m not saying our leaders in the western church are children of hell, however what I am saying is what kind of converts are we spawning? The consequence of not calling for seekers to lose their lives is converts who have found an improved lifestyle and the promise of an afterlife….but are these converts actually saved? or are they deceived? Thus making it much more difficult for them to hear the actual truth. could this message be what produces the misled followers that led Jesus to declare, depart form me, I never knew you. Is our message the same as his? Is this the way Jesus reaches out to the lost?”

− John Bevere −
