“I like places like this,” he announced.I like old places too,” Josh said, “but what’s to like about a place like this?”The king spread his arms wide. “What do you see?”Josh made a face. “Junk. Rusted tractor, broken plow, old bike.”Ahh…but I see a tractor that was once used to till these fields. I see the plow it once pulled. I see a bicycle carefully placed out of harm’s way under a table.”Josh slowly turned again, looking at the items once more.And i see these things and I wonder at the life of the person who carefully stored the precious tractor and plow in the barn out of the weather, and placed their bike under a homemade table.”Why do you wonder?” Josh asked. “Why is it even important?”Because someone has to remember,” Gilgamesh snapped, suddenly irritated. “Some one has to remember the human who rode the bike and drove the tractor, the person who tilled the fields, who was born and lived and died, who loved and laughed and cried, the person who shivered in the cold and sweated in the sun.” He walked around the barn again, touching each item, until his palm were red with rust.” It is only when no one remembers, that you are truely lost. That is the true death.”

− Michael Scott −
