“Though each one of us is BORN FEARLESS, our response to failures and rejections incites fear in us. If we get rejected, we are NOT GOOD ENOUGH and if we fail, we may become laughing-stock; our mind has been programmed in that manner by people around us. No matter how strong we try to appear to the world, criticism develops fear in us. As a result of it, we avoid doing things we are not certain about and if we fail in something, we make sure not to try it again. The only way to overcome fear is to face it. FACE YOUR FEAR. Don’t worry, if you fall or fail, get up and try again. Those who are making fun of you or are criticizing you, in reality, they are scared of you. They know…you will do it. They are criticising you because when they were trying something new, NO ONE ENCOURAGED THEM. They doubt their own capabilities.”

− Sanjeev Himachali −
