“I have gone into the waste lonely placesBehind the eye; the lost acres at the edge of smoky cities.What’s beyond never crumbles like an embankment,Explodes like a rose, or thrusts wings over the Caribbean.There are no pursuing forms, faces on walls:Only the motes of dust in the immaculate hallways,The darkness of falling hair, the warning from lint and spiders,The vines graying to a fine powder.There is no riven tree, or lamb dropped by an eagle.There are still times, morning and evening:The cerulean, high in the elm,Thin and insistent as a cicada,And the far phoebe, singing,The long plaintive notes floating down,Drifting through leaves, oak and maple,Or the whippoorwill, along the smoky ridges,A single bird calling and calling:A fume reminds me, drifting across wet gravel;A cold wind comes over stones;A flame, intense, visible,Plays over the dry pods,Runs fitfully along the stubble,Moves over the field,Without burning.In such times, lacking a god,I am still happy.”

− Theodore Roethke −
