“Beautiful behavior is like sunshine to the soul.”

“If something is ugly, it’s likely that it’s only ugly because it’s never been given the opportunity to be beautiful. And never having had that opportunity is likely the ugliest thing of all.”

“You’re beautiful everyday. You just lack the courage confidence to see it.”

“You’re beautiful everyday. You just lack the confidence to see it.”

“A poet is an unhappy being whose heart is torn by secret suffrings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and the cries escape them, they sound like beautiful music. People corwd around the poet and say to him: “Sing for us soon again;” that is as much to say, “May new sufferings torment your soul.”

“yo te amo para comenzar a amarte,para recomenzar el infinitoy para no dejar de amarte nunca:por eso no te amo todavía.”

“You ask me why I don’t speakNot a word at willBut write so much worth well over a mill’Well I value words like I value kissesA sober one, a closer one penetrates the heartDarling it’s how it mends it”

“The menopause of Sarah became her menostart; this is feminine beauty! The death plot against Mordecai became his life spring; this is masculine beauty! A kind of life lived in God’s word is a life of miraculous beauty!”

“Let your love flow where the beautiful things are and something beautiful will always come your way.”

“It’s 4am again and I’m just getting started. People are boring and I want to burn with excitement or anger and bleed, bleed through my words. I want to get all fucked up and write real and raw and ugly and beautifully. I bet you’re sleeping safe and calm, and you can stay there, it’s safer there, and you wouldn’t stand one night on this journey my mind wanders off to every night you close your eyes. I’ll stay here one day and I will never come down. I promise I can fly before I hit the ground. It doesn’t even hurt anymore. I swear, it doesn’t hurt.”

“When she smiles, the lines in her face become epic narratives that trace the stories of generations that no book can replace.”

“How can the heart and mind work together? The mind wants logic and to travel in straight lines, while the heart wants to be free and travel upward in spirals to dizzying heights.”

“Hope is a beautiful and magical thing. Grasp it tight, monsieur, and never let go.”

“I see life as a waste. You grow up. Get a job. Have a family. Retire. Then die. But there’s one thing worth living for and that’s love and it always will be. It will be happiness with someone you can’t live without. Someone to have silly arguments with and laugh about. Someone you can grow old with. Someone to recognize your scars and understand them. That’s how I see life”