“Most of the people who attempt to draw back the success of the world are those who don’t care about anything. They live life every day without asking why.”

“Words and magic are two powerful forces that can change the world.”

“Having goals is great–but it’s not enough! You need action, too! You will need to get off your butt and change the world yourself, because no one else will do it for you.”

“We are here not to Make Money.We are here to Make a Difference.”

“Prayers bring comfort, not change. Change requires tangible human efforts.”

“When you receive what you begged for, it only lasts for a short time. But what you build day after day will stay on for posterity to meet. Be a world changer and work out your dreams.”

“Even a little peace, a little love, a little forgiveness, and a little kindness can change the world for the better and bring it closer to universal peace.”

“One day u will be the message…a message for those who still alive…”

“I feel a swell of pride. This. This right here is why I wanted to become a teacher. To know that it is possible to change the world for the better, in however small a way.”

“True education empowers people to change the world for the better”

“Everyone must leave something behind when he dies . . . Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die . . . It doesn’t matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that’s like you after you take your hands away.”

“Don’t live to just exist in the world. Be a change that can make our world better.”

“As you dig your teeth into your assumptions, your teeth become sharper. You can dig deeper. You become what the world needs simply by helping yourself. It’s not easy, but it is worth it. The truth, as they say, hurts. But they also say it sets you free.”

“COMING FORTH INTO THE LIGHTI was born the dayI thought:What is?What was?AndWhat if?I was transformed the dayMy ego shattered,And all the superficial, materialThings that matteredTo me before,Suddenly ceasedTo matter.I really came into beingThe day I no longer cared aboutWhat the world thought of me,Only on my thoughts forChanging the world.”