“No one man or collection of men can stop me from having anything God want me to have.”

“Your confidence kills your fears when they appear. Your competence makes them not to appear at all. Be bold; do it.”

“Don’t ever let someone else’s lack of ambition or vision define you.”

“You’re beautiful everyday. You just lack the courage confidence to see it.”

“You’re beautiful everyday. You just lack the confidence to see it.”

“We’re survivors. There’s nothing we can’t do.”

“I might find myself standing in front of a wall, but without a wall there wouldn’t be a door.”

“People around you will not have faith in you unless you have faith in yourself”

“Even if it’s meaningless . . . sometimes, nice things happen.”

“God is our hope and strength. And hope never disappoints. (Romans 5:5). We can place our confidence in Him without fear.”

“Inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind.”

“It is better to trust the Divine Eternal God than to put confidence in mere mortal man.”