All Quotes By Tag: Creation
“The necessity of creation is the sovereign power of choice”
“To be enveloped in the pure atmosphere of divine love is to be created by God”
“No one knows you better than the one who created you.”
“You need to understand what goal you were created for and you need to understand your destination”
“The problem with creations is that they’ll never understand their true value. It’s the same with parents and children. The mother knows her daughter is important but she does not voice this fact. So the daughter will constantly wonder what her worth is. She will forever look to the mother for reassurance. The mother thinks the daughter is clingy. The daughter thinks the mother is cold. The truth is that they don’t communicate with one another. They just assume. And so they assume themselves into resentment. Where they never speak. They never listen. They die wondering why what they gave was never enough. Thankfully this is easily fixed. All that is required is an open mind and a little patience. But who the hell’s got time for that?”
“Wherever you are, be ready to create the enabling spiritual atmosphere for the sake of the kingdom of God.”
“Valoare au doar ideile după care ai umblat.”
“You were created to invest your life into your promise land, your area of calling.”
“When YOU choose to change, your reality must change accordingly. It simply has no other choice.”
“Success is not a question of how much power or money you have acquired. It is a question of how satisfied you are with WHO YOU ARE.”
“Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.”
“A belief is simply a thought that seems true to YOU.”
“It depends on how much value each person is able to create with his time”
“Men are created equal by God but in life, we are not equal and we are never going to be equal”
“Everything you see is made out of time and from time”