“Every impression ever made on a person from newborn babyhood onwards will contribute to the shape and texture of the imagination.”

“Store up knowledge. Then question your own knowledge in order to expand your mind, both to build and to create more space. Then store up more knowledge. And so on. That is wisdom.”

“The ultimate aim of assimilating knowledge is to create new ideas or gain wisdom.”

“The greatest knowledge ever created is the one created when one is challenged or criticized by his/her subordinate. Creativity lies in challenges and criticisms .”

“Curiosity can actually help you to elevate cognitive intelligence and gain useful knowledge about topics that revolve around the world. This can aid you to use proper executive functioning when speaking or writing to a particular audience with the application of critical and solution based thinking .”

“Solitude with God is a place for pregnancy. Solitude is also a place to receive great ideas and creative ideas from God. The power of imagination is strongest in the place of solitude.”

“Run! Go perfect your crafts. Run! Go use your creativity.”

“When you address and acknowledge unpleasant realities, your creativity begins to soar and you come up with apparently magical solutions to problems.”

“Eventually, you get tired of seeing mediocre talent succeed, so you work as hard as they do.”