“Jawaban terbaik pada penghina dan pencela kehormatan: “Yang kaukatakan tadi sebenarnya adalah pujian; sebab aslinya diriku lebih mengerikan.”

“I cry often. I cry and cleanse my face with my tears and swim to the center of it all. A center that I have written about a thousand times, forever etched into the porcelain.”

“The tears are falling freely now, and I don’t care if he sees them. They’re tears of relief for my nephew, worry for my grandfather and my brother, and shame for my mistake. I figure I earned them.”

“When your people are lying dead around you, don’t come crying to me…”

“We cry from pain, from loss, and from loneliness, but mostly we cry because we still have hope, and because we can still find joy even on the darkest and coldest of winter nights.”

“And thus we all are nighingThe truth we fear to know:Death will end our cryingFor friends that come and go.”

“I felt tears prick my eyes as I looked down at the model again, looking at that girl and boy on the curb. Forever in that place, together.”

“I got out on the street and started crying the kind of hysterical tears made justifiable only by turning off one’s cell phone, putting it to the ear, and pretending to be told of a death in the family.”

“I’ll use the blood from my spilling heart to write the words that were never able to slip out of my mouth, so you can see how much you’ve broken me into a perpetual state of melancholy.”

“He wipes tears off my face and then snot. He uses his hands. He loves me that much.”

“No – no – no!” someone was shouting. “No! Fred! No!”And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them, and Fred’s eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face.”

“I believe in evolution in the sense that a short-tempered man is the successor of a crybaby.”

“Two turtle doves will show theeWhere my cold ashes lieAnd sadly murmuring tell theeHow in tears I did die”

“When someone cries so hard that it hurts their throat, it is out of frustration or knowing that no matter what you can do or attempt to do can change the situation. When you feel like you need to cry, when you want to just get it out, relieve some of the pressure from the inside – that is true pain. Because no matter how hard you try or how bad you want to, you can’t. That pain just stays in place. Then, if you are lucky, one small tear may escape from those eyes that water constantly. That one tear, that tiny, salty, droplet of moisture is a means of escape. Although it’s just a small tear, it is the heaviest thing in the world. And it doesn’t do a damn thing to fix anything.”

“Many people will tell that it is not for a man to cry, but they may not know how is to feel your head empty and only tears will come out to stand up for you.”