All Quotes By Tag: Daily-inspiration
“Where your heart is, there lies your treasured home.”
“Experience everything.”
“[THE DAILY BREATH]There are three important periods in your life. When you enter your twenties, you chase a career that other people suggested, recommended, or imposed on you. You are doing other people’s purpose.When you finish your twenties, frustration and depression – sometimes illnesses – begin to set in because you feel you have no purpose in life. If you find the courage to break the bondage, you go to find your purpose. You discover your passion and follow your dreams for a while. You feel bliss because you feel you have found freedom. You are doing your purpose.And one day, God touches your heart and you put all your dreams at His feet. When you lift your hands and say: “Jesus, I am yours. Everything I am, use all of me,” you begin to do God’s purpose for you. You are finally free.”
“Your Clock Will Never Slap you if you west your time, But destiny will one day.”
“Without the knowledge of God, we are in complete darkness.”
“You can change your life, one day at a time.”
“Every good gift comes from God.”
“May the grace of faith, keep you going in the forward motion to reach the ultimate goal.”
“Live can only be fully lived by faith in the spirit of love.”
“God never cease to exist because His invisibility is doubted.”
“Depart from the deeds of darkness. Return to path of light.”
“Why do you insist on traveling on the wrong way, when there exist the right road?”
“[THE DAILY BREATH]Blaise Pascal, the famous mathematician, once said: “To those who wish to see, God gives them sufficient light. To those who doesn’t wish to see, God gives them sufficient darkness.” Seeing the Truth is a choice. Listening to my words is a choice. Healing is a choice. If want scientific evidence about the existence of God, there is a wealth of data to support it. Dr. Jeffrey Long, M.D. used the best scientific techniques available today to study more than 4,000 people who had near-death experiences and found themselves face to face with our Heavenly Father. Read the book “God and the Afterlife” and you will find it.If you want scientific evidence about Jesus being the Son of God, Lee Strobel, an atheist investigative journalist discovered it. Read the book “The Case for Christ” and you will find it.If you want scientific evidence about Jesus still healing today, study the ministries of Dr. Charles Ndifon, T.L. Osborn, Kathryn Kuhlman among others, and you will find it.But most importantly, if you want to fill the emptiness within you, and experience the perfect love, mercy and forgiveness, if you want to live in the peace of our Heavenly Father, give your body, your mind and your heart to Christ. Give your life to Jesus. The empty place you feel in your heart is reserved only for the spirit of Christ and nothing from this world will fill it. Look up to heaven, behold Jesus and Live.”
“Every new day is the dawn of a new grace.”
“New morning, new mercies.”