All Quotes By Tag: Dark-poetry
“Pressure knocks at my doorA clock ticks and demands its dueThe lava burns from the floorBut not in a game like it used to.So little time to figure it all outSo many distractions to prevent successI’m in a dark forest with no path or routeBut this internal fire knows no rest.”
“I often wonder and imagineWhat lies just beyond the fringeOf the human experience;What is it that we do not see?”
“We are a handful of dust in God’s imageBefore we return again to dusty graveLife isn’t a war, it’s a scrimmageA hyphen between two dates.”
“In vain I try to jump into the photoTo create again a time so simpleThat a piece of paper might encapsulate itFrom the erosive winds and waves of timeWhich bring even the greatest of loves to a grave of dust.”
“Do you remember the sight we saw, my soul,that soft summer morninground a turning in the path,the disgusting carcass on a bed scattered with stones,its legs in the air like a woman in needburning its wedding poisonslike a fountain with its rhythmic sobs,I could hear it clearly flowing with a long murmuring sound,but I touch my body in vain to find the wound.I am the vampire of my own heart,one of the great outcasts condemned to eternal laughterwho can no longer smile.Am I dead?I must be dead.”