All Quotes By Tag: Deceive
“Some people will insult your intelligence by suddenly being nice or nicer to you once you make it … or they think you have.”
“Most human beings would have never been pained by the death of a human being if they had never seen a human being or pretending to be pained by that.”
“For a sane person to sincerely be happy that someone has succeeded, they have to either be profiting or likely to profit from that person’s success, or be that person.”
“Most men would no longer enjoy conversing with most women if they stopped bringing their vaginas along.”
“When you are posessed by evil spirits, it is crafty manipulations that you follow; but when you are posessed by the Holy Spirit of God, it is wise discretions you pursue!”
“There is no other way to determine the difference between the will of God and the crafts of satan… Jesus is the way, the truth and the life… The Holy Spirit of God is the Comforter…”