“Choose the territory you want to conquer and invest your time into developing yourself in that area until you become the best.”

“The greatest innovators and history makers of our world were not great because of the formal school system but because of self-development through the proper investment and conversation of time.”

“Conversion of time creates disparities between developed and underdeveloped countries in the world”

“Most of the developed countries in the world are countries that value their time”

“The deeper the roots the higher the tree”

“A nation that does not understand and trivialize time is not ready for growth and development”

“There is no direct correlation between national and business development”

“Develop your skills”

“You must develop your skills with excellence”

“How well a nation spends their time is a pointer to her growth and development”

“Nations that have successfully converted better are those ones we refer to as developed nations today”

“If you know what you are good at and you don’t develop, refined and polish or add value to your gift, it will never be able to reward you”

“The adherent who believes in the hard working ethics of the black man experiences continuous success and development”

“Research is an endless loop of failures interspersed with occasional profound discoveries.”

“Our success and how well we develop in life is greatly influenced by our perceptions, responses and decisions during challenging times”