“We don’t know the Devil’s side of the story, because God wrote all the books.”

“The whole universe is sum up in the Human Being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, He is a voice inside. Look for Your Devil in Yourself, not in the Others. Don’t forgeT that the one who knows his Devil, knows his God.”

“He paused, twisting his goatee, considering the law in Deuteronomy that forbade clothes with mixed fibers. A problematic bit of Scripture. A matter that required thought. “Only the devil wants man to have a wide range of lightweight and comfortable styles to choose from,” he murmured at last, trying out a new proverb. “Although there may be no forgiveness for polyester. On this one matter, Satan and the Lord are in agreement.”

“God saves – but not now, and not here. His salvation is on layaway. Like all grifters, He asks you to pay now and take it on faith that you will receive later. Whereas women offer a different sort of salvation, more immediate and fulfilling. They don’t put off their love for a distant, ill-defined eternity but make a gift of it in the here and now, frequently to those who deserve it least. So it was in my case. So it is for many. The devil and woman have been allies against God from the beginning…”

“For in Paris, whenever God puts a pretty woman there (the streets), the Devil, in reply, immediately puts a fool to keep her.”

“Your angel cannot protect you against that which neither god nor the devil had made”

“Greed has shaped the world so that we all look and act like demons.It is no wonder then that our love for our fellow human beings has gone into hiding.”

“If money’s the god people worship, I’d rather go worship the devil instead.”

“Don’t be disheartened by the forces of evil. Nothing can happen that God hasn’t allowed. Even resistance is all part of grand orchestration. The devil always has you right were God wants you.”

“I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbability of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil.”

“Becuse God loves us, but the devil takes an interest.”

“Lucifer spoke thus. Pride took him from heaven, though he sat at God’s right hand.’ Her voice grew faint, the hint of a whisper. ‘In the end pride is the only evil, the root of all sins.”Pride is all I have.”

“Yahweh: You’ve been unhappy because you’ve desired things that cannot be.Lucifer: That’s what desire IS. The need for what we can’t have. The need for what’s readily available is called greed.”

“We have never heard the devil’s side of the story, God wrote all the book.”

“People who cease to believe in God or goodness altogether still believe in the devil… Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult.”