“The difference between people is what they do with their time”

“The difference between excellence and mediocrity is time conversion”

“No one is better than you, it’s the way you convert time that differs”

“The major difference between the rich and the poor is in their time conversion”

“82. Time is the greatest wealth we have all been given in equal measure despite our differences”

“Time is the greatest wealth we have all been given in equal measure despite our differences”

“We are all the same, but it is what you do with your time that makes all the differences”

“It is what you do with your time that makes all the differences”

“The salary or the income they make is only what you see. But that is still not the difference”

“The difference is in what they did with their time”

“The difference between adding value and spending is, when you spend time, you spend life, you only do something enough for your survival”

“The difference between people is not in the position they occupy in life because positions could change at any time”

“The difference between people is not in the salary they receive because salary could change”

“The difference is not in the money people make”

“The position they occupy in life, the status they have, the class, the political status is not the main difference between people”