“May your love for me be likethe scent of the evening seadrifting inthrough a quiet windowso i do not have to runor chase or fall… to feel youall i have to dois breathe.”

“You might just find God in a mirror one day.”

“Who shall deliver us in times of distress, only the Divine Being.”

“Every new day is a dawn of a new divine order.”

“Faith changes us – faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves.”

“In the faces of humanity, the countenances that shine brightest are those whose minds are powered by wisdom’s Divine supplier of enlightment…selah.”

“World, do you know your creator?Seek him in the heavensAbove the stars must He dwell.”

“Oh superior divine,Take me from fictitious to the factual,Take me from the gloom of ignorance to The illumination of wisdom,And take me from iniquity to integrity.”

“Namastemeans that my soul acknowledges yours -not just your light,your wisdom, your goodness,but also your darkness,your suffering, your imperfections.It is a recognitionand acceptance ofthe inexplicabledivine absurdity,the miraculous woveninto the ordinary,light and darknessintimately entwinedin magical, messyhumanity. It means that I honorall that you arewith all that I am.So, namaste, my fellow travelers.I’m so glad we’re on this trek through the universe together.”

“Reset your tune to Divine melody.”

“Reset you tune to Divine melody.”

“I trust the divine track. The world has my back.”

“What if we are all temples for the presents and presence of divine delight to shine through?”

“Life is not a competition. No one has to lose for someone else to win. A true blessing blesses everyone.”