“When the fear of losing out pains you only a Heavenly touch can sustain”

“We don’t have to remain in the filth of yesterday. Jesus didn’t die for the spiritually clean; He died for those who reek with sin. What’s the purpose of His blood if not to wash away our yesterday?”

“When we worry, our heart doesn’t leave space for God. When we pray and trust God, we leave space for miracles.”“The way to God is through Jesus, in Him we have an advocate for our dreams and prayers.”“In Jesus’s words to love our neighbor, it contains an obligation to go beyond being kind. Giving and sharing is part of this obligation.”

“If you doubt the existence of God, look in the mirror, and if you are still in doubt after that, look within.”

“Whatever fear touches becomes frightful, whatever hate touches becomes pitiful, whatever love touches becomes wonderful, and whatever God touches becomes beautiful.”

“Never worry yourself in calculating God’s miracles because you will never get the answer, only believe them and they work for you.”

“Just as one would not fetch water from a disease infested river, likewise, do not fetch wisdom from one who is filled with wicked intentions.”