“I have reconciled myself to our new lives. Our new fate, as Talis would say. As if fate were a merging, shifting thing. As if it were controlled by something other than ourselves.”

“if one consults reason alone, one cannot assent to the articles of our faith” it was full of mysteries; “we are fools to try to explain them.” This makes preaching Christianity not only a hard task but also dangerous. “Had I know, I should never have been a preacher.”

“Don’t you understand? You mean more to me that anything in this entire world.”

“They say: ‘We are all lame in the face of the truth. Once upon a time there was an authoritative teaching in the Church; now we are all seeking; this is the era of pluralism in the faith.’ But the faith is not pluralist: a healthy pluralism may be allowed in theology, in the Liturgy, in other things, but never in the faith. Once it is established that God has revealed a truth, the answer is yes, for everyone, in every age: a yes with conviction and courage, without doubts or hesitations. And the idea that the truths of the faith are only a momentary expression of the conscience and life of the Church must be rejected with every strength. These truths are always valid even if it is always possible to understand them better and to express them with new formulas, clearer and more suited to the new times.”

“Each new breath is an opportunity to try againDon’t hide from life.Whatever happens we are far greater than any problem that we are facing.Look around you,You see the sky, the flowers, the beauty, the people, absolutely everything around you Is showing you that you are still alive, And that you are still needed here.”

“There is no one more powerful Than the one who trusts their own heart”

“The you must be there for the I to find itself. Trust in you gives me trust in myself. In the encounter between the you and the I, faith is born. I am so truly I because I have faith in you. Only the I that comes about through faith can have faith.”

“My wife made me the man I am today. For those that know me…tell me I’m lying.”

“A lament is an act of worship, a faith statement of trust, in the face of difficulty. It’s a wonderfully honest way to acknowledge our trouble to God as we also acknowledge our hope is in him.”

“When you confess your sin to another Christian…The expressed, acknowledged sin has lost all it’s power…The sinner is no longer alone with his evil for he has cast off his sin in confession and handed it over to God. It has been taken away from him. Now he stands in the fellowship of sinners who live by the grace of God in the cross of Jesus Christ. Now he can be a sinner and still enjoy the grace of God. He can confess his sins and in his very act find fellowship for the first time. The sin concealed separated him from the fellowship, made all his apparent fellowship a sham; the sin confessed has helped him to find true fellowship with the brethren in Jesus Christ.”Dietrich Bonhoeffer, life together”

“A magical thought, inspired by the books he had read. But magic . . . surely there was a little magic in the world. The people who denied the existence of magic, they were the ones that it went badly for.”

“All truth is double, and perhaps multiple; absolute reason is as dangerous as absolute faith; reason also has its madness”

“Jesus invited people to ‘repent and believe’ this Good News; to set aside fear and worry in order to believe in God’s love; and to reject self-centeredness in order to give loving service to others. Jesus insisted, says Karl Baus, that purity of mind and intention is the basis for moral behavior, ‘thus giving the individual conscience the decisive role in the sphere of religion.”

“Oh, Moss,” she said. “How little faith you have in others.””Do you blame me? I don’t have much faith to go on these days, what with the world ending around us.””You know, sometimes it does feel like we’re in one of those trendy dystopian novels,” she admitted. “Except a lot less white.”