“The narrow-minded find it convenient to create stereotypes, and then try to fit everybody, everything and every situation into those stereotypes.”

“Writers are the most pathetic souls when it comes to expressing their personal feelings. Their personalities are as complex as the characters they have weaved. And in a curious way, without them really knowing it, writers are the sum total of the characters they created in their heads or in their writings. Yes, My Dear Tania; writers are capable of reflecting their characters, even though most of them are determined to be just like your ordinary guy next door.”

“A yesterday missed can never be found even in a fine tomorrow.”

“Some people live their memorable years fighting against their basic instincts only to succumb in the end to what was actually good for them.”

“There are people who bring joy to our lives, but who fail to make us happy. They are the people for the moment. Never rely on their love because it is not sustainable. Their love is alike a comet that illuminates the sky, but then fades away because it lacks the sustainable energy of the sun.”

“Only a fool would find happiness from an achievement that is detrimental to those he loves.”

“In dealing with others, man is inherently a slave to his preconceptions, to the stereotypes he became familiar with that made life easier for him to comprehend.”

“The selfish and self-centered have a hard time being kind, even though you and I know that kindness is a source of relief to the soul.”

“The true leaders of our time, the legends of this world or the movers of the movers are the towering figures that are blessed with beautiful minds, receptive ears and directing voices. They are the ones we should emulate in life.”

“So, you see; you have the soul of a missionary, the heart of a revolutionary and the mind of a reformer. But what are you to yourself and the family and friends who will always be there for you?”

“Isn’t reality based on the prevailing culture, the trend that people want to identify with?”

“The writer is the cursed artist of the soul. The expression of his art is a reflection of his quest to understand man by unraveling the mysteries that have been haunting humankind from time immemorial. In the end of his journey to understand man, the writer becomes more human even though his soul ends up finding less peace.”

“Hold onto your creativity, that idealism that is rooted in some degree of innocence and a firm belief in something finer than the things we already have.”

“Most people live lives that are full of mysteries, lives whose ultimate purpose we may never really understand. But for the sake of serenity, we must believe in life’s nobleness.”

“In your selflessness pursuit of things higher than yourself, you appear selfish or inconsiderate to those who truly love you and who have cared deeply about you from the first day you came into their lives.”