“The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.”

“You cannot desire to be great when you cannot even focus on 8 hours of work a day.”

“Get this; without a continuous struggle, your previous struggles will become a waste. Stay on and hold on until the success become evident.”

“You can’t do everything, so pick what is important and focus on that relentlessly.”

“You must learn focus and concentration for you to enjoy solitude.”

“Each one of us can aspire to be on TOP simply by keeping a strict focus on Time, Objectivity and Prioritising. As simple as that!”

“Success is not a question of how much power or money you have acquired. It is a question of how satisfied you are with WHO YOU ARE.”

“When YOU choose to change, your reality must change accordingly. It simply has no other choice.”

“Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.”

“A belief is simply a thought that seems true to YOU.”

“A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things.”

“How critical it is to stay focused on Jesus Christ.”

“Only people who are living a purposeful or focused life can talk about converting their time into concrete products or value chains”

“Put a little soul in everything you say, in everything you do.”

“I didnt pay atteniton to times or distance, instead focusing on how it felt just to be in motion, knowing it wasn’t about the finish line but how I got there that mattered.”