“The Knowledge in which no doubt (shanka) is placed is known as doubtfree Knowledge (nihshank Gnan). Nishank Gnan is Knowledge of the absolute pure Soul.”

“Agnan (ignorance) is gnan (knowledge) also. Agnan is nothing else- it is not darkness. But it is a light to illuminate the non-Self. It is the light to show the non-Self. And Gnan illuminates the Self and the non-Self.”

“Agnan will not let one know ‘Who he is,’ and Gnan lets one know his own Self.”

“In the state of Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), the Atma (Self) is the non-doer (akarta), in the state of ignorance of the Self, Atma (Self) is the doer (karta).”

“I brought the knowledge of vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) right from birth! It is my discovery of infinite past lives!!”

“One is not the doer at all. Vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) is the doer. I have revealed this knowledge and that is why we refer to it as the ‘lift’ (elevator) path!”

“It is known as Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) when equanimity (samata) prevails in adverse conditions.”

“If a person who has dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) attains an instrument such that it helps him aquire the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan), then it is worthwhile; otherwise dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) brings about lifelessness.”

“Where Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) prevails and where dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) reaches its pinnacle, that is when the state of absolute detachment (vitaraagata) arises. To not harbor any attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) where the world experiences attachment-abhorrence is considered the state of absolute detachment.”

“What is this satsang (in Akram) like? Here, there are no such botherations of, ‘do this’, ‘do good’, ‘do that’, ‘ask for forgiveness’, ‘do introspection’, ‘do chanting’, ‘do penance’. Here, One does not have to ‘do’ anything. Here, One just needs to Know and to understand. The right belief of ‘I am pure Soul’ (Samkit) can be attained only through understanding and Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) arises through Knowing. And the One who has Known and understood, He can have the right Conduct as the Self (samyak Charitra).”

“If you go to ‘do’ anything, then bondage will happen there. Wherever you ‘do’, there is bondage and with understanding, there is freedom.”

“Why can jiva (living being) not attain the self? It is because agnan is dear to it.”

“The science (vignan) of religion and the knowledge (gnan) of religion are different things. There is liberation through science!”

“The world is not an impediment, it is your ignorance (of the Self) that impedes you. When does ignorance (of the Self) leave? It leaves through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) that the Gnani Purush gives. What should the Knowledge of the Gnani Purush be like? It should be science (Vignan). Vignan is animate (chetan), whereas knowledge is inanimate (achetan). The knowledge that is prevailing in the world is achetan. Achetan means that it cannot work on its own from within (kriyakari) whereas this (Knowledge of the Self) is science. Science constantly keeps working on its own, You do not have to do anything.”

“When certain circumstances of the body tend to happen, the time for insolvency begins. Everything indeed is going to go into insolvency. Therefore You should get your work done. As long as this ‘shop’ (the body) exists, complete all your transactions.”