“Pride would have destroyed me. But i cheated on pride. if i could cheat on pride then i could cheat on success too. Both were never meant to good lovers. Jovita Efehi Obadolagonyi”

“You have been assigned this mountain so that you can show others it can be moved.”

“Pride would have destroyed me. But i were able cheat on pride. if i could cheat on pride then i could cheat on success too. Both were never meant to be good lovers. Jovita Efehi Obadolagonyi”

“Please do me this favor. understand your strength and also understand your limitations. understanding your strength and limitations will enable you discover things you can do better. if you discover things you can do better.Remain there and move higher in it.”

“There is something vibrantly beautiful, a glow, that radiates from someone who is actively moving towards their goals and dreams. I’m not sure what it is, but I know I love it, I’m attracted to it, and I surround myself with people who have it. The courageous few who dare to radiate this life essence… those are my people.”

“You want to be able to say, for example, “I will know I am successful if these three things happen.”

“If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.”

“You are capable of great things.Show up.Show up consistently.Show up consistently with a positive outlook.Be prepared for and committed to the long haul.Cultivate a burning desire backed by faith.Be willing to pay the price.And do the things you’ve committed to doing-even when you don’t feel like it, even when no one else is watching.”

“The beauty in our beliefs causes us to let our grassy goals and dreams take root, for sorrow gives seed to success, success blossoms into significance, and significance transcends the seasons that come and go with the whims of the world.”

“A Lion that hunts for survival in the jungle does not envy the one being fed in a zoo”

“Don’t let goal setting become heavy weights. Remain flexible and allow room for intuitive changes.”

“The original meaning of the word resolution means to “break into parts.” Think about that as you make your New Year’s resolutions. Break the big ones down. Break the little ones down. Every step is a victory. Don’t you dare wait until the finish line to celebrate. Life happens along the journey, not just at the finish line.”

“One step at a time. Baby steps are still steps. Crawl if you must, but keep moving forward. You will never be defeated as long as you keep moving.”

“She fulfills every purpose while touching the sky. Can anything ever stop her fly?”

“Sometimes my successes come quickly and at other times they are terribly slow to arrive. It is not my place to determine the speed at which they arrive or if they arrive at all. My place is to keep forging ahead no matter what.”