“Comparing yourself to others is an act of violence committed against one’s self.”

“Die having memories that endure. Not with dreams left over.”

“All ordinary people like us, everywhere, are trying to find the same things. It makes no difference whether they are New Englanders or Texans or Malayans or Finns. They all want to be left alone to conduct their own private search for a personal peace, a reasonable security, a little love, a chance to attain happiness through achievement.”

“Comparison is an act of violence committed against one’s self.”

“Americans like to buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t like. And then they wonder why they’re not happy.”

“There are no happy endings in real life. A person’s story doesn’t suddenly end when something good happens. If you get married, that’s not a happy ending. It’s the happy beginning of your next chapter together. Ultimately every life is a tragedy that ends in death and grief. Grief is the price we pay for love. But along the way, there are some precious moments of happiness. And it’s those fleeting moments that make life worth living.”

“happiness is a choice and is entirely down to us”

“So they tell you to buy stuff. More and more and more stuff. Even if you don’t need any more stuff, buy more stuff! Because capitalism is like a pyramid scheme. It must constantly grow, constantly shovel more money to the top, like a sand monster feeding itself sand, or it dies.”

“When you give more than anyone could possibly expect you get more than you ever expected.”

“Fortune always smiles upon those who make the universe laugh.”

“Our entire life we chase the wrong things because we think having more money and buying more stuff will make us more happy. But it doesn’t. You know why a billionaire has 100 Ferraris? Because 99 weren’t enough.”

“Do not allow haters to ruin your happiness.”

“اهذا من كان يسمح لنا باللعب او لا؟ اهذا من كان يقرر ، من يعود لبيته سعيداً او تعسياً؟ كيف سمحت لهذا المتخاذل الفاشل ان يسيطر على مشاعري،على حياتي!”

“The more I appreciate me, my strengths, my weaknesses and personal growth plan, the happier I become.”

“When a happy person is treating others well, this is not too important; but when an unhappy person is treating others very well, this is very important and very valuable!”