“Our entire life we chase the wrong things because we think having more money and buying more stuff will make us more happy. But it doesn’t. You know why a billionaire has 100 Ferraris? Because 99 weren’t enough.”

“اهذا من كان يسمح لنا باللعب او لا؟ اهذا من كان يقرر ، من يعود لبيته سعيداً او تعسياً؟ كيف سمحت لهذا المتخاذل الفاشل ان يسيطر على مشاعري،على حياتي!”

“Do not allow haters to ruin your happiness.”

“The more I appreciate me, my strengths, my weaknesses and personal growth plan, the happier I become.”

“When a happy person is treating others well, this is not too important; but when an unhappy person is treating others very well, this is very important and very valuable!”

“The Happiness ManifestoPledge not to complain needlessly.Vow not to anger unecessarily.Promise not to crititize unreasonably.Commit to thinking positively.Aspire to speak intelligently.Strive to live enlightenedly.Your happiness is in serenity.Your contentedness is in charity.Your righteousness is in integrity.Your nobility is in humility.Your innocence is in sincerity.Your blessedness is in humanity.”

“You don’t always need a particular reason to be happy and in such moments of happiness you meet the real happiness!”

“While the surcease of pain might produce the sharpest moment of rapture, the cessation of pain by itself does not create long-term happiness.”

“The magnitude of pleasure can only be measured by the one that experiences it, and not by the prescriber.”

“Pursuing happiness, and I did, and still do, is not at all the same thing as being happy – which I think is fleeting, dependent on circumstances, and a bit bovine…The pursuit of happiness is more elusive; it is life-long, and it is not goal-centered.What you are pursuing is meaning – a meaningful life…There are times when it will go so wrong that you will barely be alive, and times when you realise that being barely alive, on your own terms, is better than living a bloated half-life on someone else’s terms.”

“When you say you are in pursuit of happiness, what you essentially mean is that you are expecting your environment to always act in ways that would elicit an emotion of happiness in your heart. It is exactly as absurd as it sounds.”

“Don’t ruin your own happiness by letting someone’s wickedness hurt you.”

“Let me tell you a BIG secret – THE secret that many do not know about happiness. Happiness is not something some people have and others do not; happiness is a practice – a skill that you get better at by practicing positive and empowering thoughts, daily. The simple reason why so many are traveling a dirt road towards happiness is because they practice the opposite every day: anger, hate, sadness, sorrow, loneliness, etc.”

“Happiness belongs to those who live for others!”

“Happiness is often curtailed by guilt.”