“Happiness isn’t a thing. You can’t go out and get it like a cup of tea. It’s the way you feel about things.”

“The happiness of love is in action; its test is what one is willing to do for others.”

“When we give freely, we feel full and complete; when we withhold, we feel small, petty, impotent, and lacking. We are meant to learn this great truth, that giving fulfills us, while withholding and trying to get causes us to feel empty and even more needy. This truth runs counter to our programming, which drives us to try to get something from others to fulfill our neediness, only to end up even more needy, grasping, lacking, and unfulfilled.”

“Happiness doesn’t have to be chased…it merely has to be chosen.”

“You can be right or you can be happy.”

“They luxuriated in the feeling of deep and all pervading satisfaction, a feeling of knowing absolutely that all was well with the world and them and that the world was not only their oyster it was also their linguine with clam sauce. Not only were all things possible, but all things were theirs. ”

“People, he thought, were as hungry for a sight of joy as he had always been–for a moment’s relief from that gray load of suffering which seemed so inexplicable and unnecessary. He had never been able to understand why men should be unhappy.”

“If you are a dreamer, come in,If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fireFor we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in!Come in!”

“How exquisitely human was the wish for permanent happiness, and how thin human imagination became trying to achieve it.”

“The advance of regret can be so gradual that it is impossible to say “yesterday I was happy, today I am not.”

“Our life is like a land journey, too even and easy and dull over long distances across the plains, too hard and painful up the steep grades; but, on the summits of the mountain, you have a magnificent view–and feel exalted–and your eyes are full of happy tears–and you want to sing–and wish you had wings! And then–you can’t stay there, but must continue your journey–you begin climbing down the other side, so busy with your footholds that your summit experience is forgotten.”

“Friendship is thinking of the other person first.”

“I would cling to unhappiness because it was a known, familiar state. When I was happier, it was because I knew I was on my way back to misery. I’ve never been convinced that happiness is the object of the game. I’m wary of happiness.”

“Happiness does not depend on outward circumstances, but on the state of the heart.”

“Happiness consists not of having, but of being; not of possessing, but of enjoying. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself. A martyr at the stake may have happiness that a king on his throne might envy. Man is the creator of his own happiness. It is the aroma of life, lived in harmony with high ideals. For what a man has he may be dependent upon others; what he is rests with him alone.”